
The National Solemn Assembly Committee
P.O. Box 1139 • Murphys, CA 95247


The Need
The Plan
Call to Assembly
A Manifesto
The Committee
My Response

2002 Ventura, California Solemn Assembly - Three-part Video

We the Christian people of the United States have failed and sinned in many ways and are responsible in great measure for the moral failure of this nation, having become salt that has lost its ability to flavor and preserve our this society of which we are members. Therefore we, the participants of the 2002 Ventura Solemn Assembly, do confess our sins and the sins of our nation. We urge our brothers of every city and town to do as we have done by calling together the Christian community to humble yourselves along with us in calling upon the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in confessing your sins as we also do confess, in asking God to grant His Church deep and lasting repentance, and in asking for God to pour out His gracious Spirit on us His people and on the nation of which we are a part that there might come a great awakening and revival that the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and our God and Father might be extended to multitudes of individuals and families and that our nation might be preserved from further corruption and restored to a godly society that there might come a blessing rather than a curse.



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